It's taken awhile, but I've finally established a cyberpresence. I can't believe it took me so long to get into blogging. I want to thank everyone for their patience. The Tiberose website is still under construction so I hope this weblog will give folks an idea of what I've been up to and a place to see some of my latest projects.
This past year has been a whirlwind filled with the intensity of helping our daughter Eliza through the college selection process. After all the sweat, uncertainty and tears, she is thrilled to be at Smith College in Northampton, Mass. We attended family weekend in October. It was a classic New England autumn. The colors were delicious. I couldn't stop talking about how beautiful the woods were... and the light through the trees ... scrumptious. I will post as often as I can, hopefully once a week. This certainly is an exciting time to embark on a new journey together.
Cheers, Deborah